Pins This Cool Deserve a High Five

We recently added High Five Pins to our curated section, and you guys have loved it! (I mean we're not surprised, have you seen 'em? They're cool as hell!). We sat down and got the low down about all things internet culture has to offer, the process of making a 3D cast pin, and what the future of High Five Pins looks like. 


high five pins


How did you get into making pins?

I worked with an emoji company for a while and having to work within the specific parameters required for that art was an interesting challenge. While working there, I started designing pins for fun, and surprisingly, the process was remarkably similar. After the first few, it just became something I wanted to keep doing, and the rest is history.

arthurWhat is your main practice?
Did you study at University? 

I did go to art school in San Francisco, it was a great experience, but unfortunately too expensive! My preferred medium is sculpture of any type, but in general, I tackle any art gigs that come my way.


3d brain pin


What pin design are you most proud of?

The instant noodles pin. I wanted to use chains as part of a pin, but I also wanted them to make sense as part of a design. The perfect idea was born from hunger when I was on my way to grab lunch from a local restaurant. That is when it clicked, the gold chains would make great ramen noodles.

noodle pin


Any advice for anyone that is thinking of starting their own independent brand / pin designs?

Failure is part of your growth as an individual and as an artist, let the failures propel you towards your goal by learning from them instead of allowing them to hinder you.


What is your favourite pin design at the moment?
Do you have any favorite designers?

A company called Little Shop of Pins has some really wonderful and creative designs, many of which are in my personal collection. I can’t name one top favourite, but I can say that their Rocketeer and origami animal pins are at the top of the list. My favourite designers include Little Shop of Pins, Akuma Press, and Midnight Dogs to name a few.


akuma pins


What inspires your designs, do you have a creative process you go through? If so what steps does this include?

I am often inspired by everything around me, anyone thing can send me off in a direction that could lead me to my next project. As a mixed media artist, I often scour the internet for research of different materials.

Do you have favourite themes you like to focus on?

A lot of the pins I design relate to something I grew up playing, eating, or watching on TV. Video games, for example, I’m still fond of the 8-bit style graphics to this day. It’s kind of like designing a pin in how back in the day they were restrained by pixel art to create and animate a whole new world.

8 bit mario


How does the design process differ for the 3D pins you create?
Do you prefer these more than enamel pins?

What you gain in dimension with 3D pins, you lose in colourable area because the stipulations change between designing the two. The idea behind the pin determines what type of pin I make, so my preference is really whichever I think is going to make the best design.


gummy worm pin


Any big plans for the future?
Any cool collaborations lined up that we should watch out for?

I’ve begun working with polyurethane resin in order to create new items for my store: action figures, jewelry, etc. 


awks pins


We absolutely love all of High Five Pins creations, the internet might move on quickly from some memes and trends but why not head over to our site and grab a pin to allow the classics live on in all its glory. 

If you have an idea or wish to see your favourite internet classic in the form of a pin, drop us an email at we can help you get the ball rolling! 

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